Actually, I am REALLY looking forward to Christmas getting its arse here.
I've pretty much done my shopping (apart from my uncle and one more thing for my "niece"). I've also managed to get most of the Mister's birthday stuff sorted out now as well. I've got one more thing left to order but it could take a while due to money crap going on.
I'm not buying for my uni friends just yet because I'm not 100% sure when we're supposed to be seeing each other. We've all got a lot of things going on right now so it probably won't be until the new year now. It's sad but I'm sure it'll make it feel all the more exciting for when the time to meet up actually comes around.
Back to Christmas stuff...
I got:
- Mum & Dad a Royle Family DVD box set.
- Mister's Mum & Dad have a box of Thorntons finest.
- His sister has a bodycare set thingum
- My "niece" is getting a teddy bear but I also want to get her something 'In the night garden' themed.
- My uncle is getting DVDs from Ben and I.
- Mister has a hoodie, a few T-shirts, an into model helicopter, funny socks and even funnier pants.
Mum and Dad are getting him a new wallet because his current one is being held together with gaffer tape.
His birthday stuff consists of more T-shirts, a Ghostbusters Ecto-1 number plate and an extra special guitar pick.
As for myself. My list for Mr Santa is...
- Dylan Moran, Eddie Izzard, Russell Howard, Michael Mcintyre and Bill Bailey.
- Warm Pyjamas.
- Warm socks.
- A bluetooth mini photo printer.
- New trainers.
- An open bust corset, pencil skirt and those AMAZING shoes I posted a photo of a few entries back.
Meh, lets see what happens.
What else did I have to say.......
Erotica was AMAZING last weekend. The Mister and I have decided to make it a yearly trip from now on since we both had so much fun. He looked as nervous as hell for a little while but soon began to chill out after I pretended to make a mouth shaped Fleshlight sing, we watched the Fuel Girls on the main stage and he gawped at a few boobs.
There were so many things to go and see. We didn't manage to get around the whole place (mostly because I wanted to venture into the art gallery but he didn't really see the point). He bought be a few bits and bobs which I promise I won't divulge since I'm sure no one wants to know the weird crap I like. We also bought the yummiest toffee flavoured vodka ever from some hilariously drunk Welsh blokes on a stand near the exit. It's 27.5% volume so we've only done a quarter of the bottle between us so far.
I'm off now. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want a cup of tea.
I also want chocolate but I'm holding back the craving until I get back from my medical assessment tomorrow afternoon. The Mister and I can wallow in Dairy milk and Brandy Alexanders that way.
Toodles xx